A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Neale.....I was reading the CWG books on fear and ridding fear. And it said that you should just "decide" not to have the fear anymore but, could you explain how you "decide" not to have fear? Especially, cos some people can get really scared and have panic attacks and that. I don't understand how you can let go like that. Haven't some people tried and tried to decide to be fearless but failed? So could you expand on deciding to let go of fear? Does the CWG material...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Neale....I do not know my "purpose" in life, and it is driving me crazy. What am I "supposed" to be doing here? What is the point of all this? I've been trying to figure this out since I was 21. Now I'm 36 and am no closer than I was before. I mean, I know it can't just be about "work" (I have a pretty decent job), so what is it about?

Thanks for giving me your (and CWG's) "take" on this...

Love, Janette G

Neale Responds

Well, my friend, your question could not...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Neale....I have a question that concerns consequences or punishment. I read in your books that punishments are not the natural (best) way for someone to experience a consequence of a crime that a person committed. That it will not do any good to anyone to punish someone by the law (our own made up consequences).
I can understand that in many of the cases, but what happens if a person could be very dangerous to others during the time when he waits to experience...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Neale...My fiance (This is Neale writing in parentheses...I'm going to use the fictitious name "James" here in this letter...) lost his brother at 18 (accidental gunshot). James has been grieving for 18 years and is still full of rage and resentment at the lost. He is happy for his brother at his release from this life, but he is still angry at not having his brother to share his life with. What can I say to help James be free of his anger and realize the peace, love...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Neale...Why can't everyone have their own "conversation with God," just the way you did? If this is so easy, why doesn't everyone do it? Sorry if I sound like a skeptic, but...

Pamela L., Indianapolis, Indiana

Neale Responds

My Dear Pamela...it is very okay even if you are a "skeptic." I ask no one to accept my experience without looking into it deeply. Here is one problem I see that stops people from having their own Conversation with God...

We have apparently...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Neale....I was wondering about one thing. In higher level of our selves we choose how we are going to die. There is nothing that is done here on earth that is wrong or not in the soul's interest. Everything is like it supposed to be.

One thing that is troubling me with that is: Why is the soul still choosing to die, for instance, a horrible death. Why is a higher level of ourselves choosing conflict and misery?

And more importantly, when will it stop choosing these...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Neale...I am 46 years old and have serious spiritual beliefs which your CWG books have only complimented and confirmed. About a month ago, a long time friend revealed to me he had a Near Death Experience and was, in fact, in Hell for how long he couldn't tell. Neale, it scared me silly and I looked on the net and of course found many similar stories.

It seems to me to be a very serious mistake to make, eternity and all. Could you reassure me or point me to a specific...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Hi Neale...I'm new to this newsletter, but am wondering what to do with my feelings toward pan handling. I give generously to a few of my favorite charities, including those that serve the homeless. I generally don't give to those who ask for a couple of reasons: opening my purse increases my chances of being robbed, and I can't afford to give every time I'm asked. I much prefer to give to someone who "seems" like they could use a few extra bucks without being asked (but...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Hi Neale...How can the current society ever forgo the use of punishment as a means to prevent damaging behavior, when all of its people are not yet living by CWG's triangular code of awareness, honesty and responsibility? How can the police force effectively do its work when there is not the tool of punishment to do it with? Most of what the police does 'works' to a certain extent, because they can resort to punishment in the form of fines and sentences. Without it they are...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Hi Neale...At a seminar in Bergen, Norway we, the audience, could ask questions. I asked to be recommended which of your books I could get for my very sick aunt in Norwegian. The answer was Home with God. The book was bought and signed.

Before mailing it to my aunt I read it myself and told my aunt about the book on the phone. She was very interested and said she wanted to read the whole thing. She lasted much longer than expected, and passed about a year after that.


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